The following Gateway Sever At-a-Glance table shows the following columns and a brief description of each can be found below. The heading will also include the name of the Gateway server and its licensing mode and status.
Gateway Server Parameter
Value Description
Administrative users (in use / maximum allowed)
Lists the current number of Administrative licenses in use versus the maximum allowed.
Master users (in use / maximum allowed)
Lists the current number of Master licenses in use versus the maximum allowed.
Personal users (in use / maximum allowed)
Lists the current number of Personal licenses in use versus the maximum allowed.
Limited Admin users (in use)
Lists the current number of Administrative users that have been demoted to a Limited Administrative user status.
Non-Transient workstations (in use / maximum allowed)
Lists the current number of PROXY Pro Host machines reporting into the server versus the maximum allowed.
Host for RDS (in use / maximum allowed)
Lists the current number of Hosts running within an RDS environment are reporting into the server.
Host on demand ( session in use / pinned in use / mobile in use / maximum allowed)
Lists the current number of Host on Demand instances, in each respective state, versus the maximum allowed.
Host for VDI (in use vs / maximum allowed)
Lists the current number of VDI-licensed Hosts reporting into the server versus the maximum allowed.
Number of active reverse connections
Lists the current number of Hosts, regardless of type, are reporting to the server and are consuming a reverse connections. *
Number of active Masters
Lists the current number of Master users currently using a license.
Number of active Master connection services
Lists the current number of Master users currently using connection services (i.e. Chat, File Transfer, Clipboard, Remote Management, Remote Printing).
Number of active Hosts
Lists the current number of Hosts that presently have a remote view, remote control session to a Host computer of any type.
Numver of active Host connection services
Lists the current number of active Host connection services (i.e. Chat, File Transfer, Clipboard, Remote Management, Remote Printing).
Number of active recordings
Lists the current number of active recordings in progress.
Number of Gateway data service connections
Lists the current number of data service connections the Gateway server is brokering.
*Note that a Host for RDS, Host for VDI and a Host on Demand will all consume a reverse connection. Hosts that do not consume a reverse connection are Hosts that are generally within the same network as the PROXY Pro RAS server.
A hyperlink will be found at the bottom linking to the Gateway tab -> Gateway Settings subtab.