Visit the Gateway Accounts sub tab to view, add, modify the rights of or remove Account Users. Upon a new installation of PROXY Pro RAS, logging into the PROXY Pro Web Console must be performed by a user that is a member of the server's local administrators group. By default, notice that the BUILTIN\Administrators group on the server will be listed as the Administrative Account users. Use the Import button (+) to begin populating the list with Account Users and use the Filter button to search for existing users or groups to modify their rights.
The Filter button will present the following search criteria:
Manage Gateway Accounts
Account Name (Contains):
Username of the Account User.
Account Authority (Contains):
Authority of the account (i.e. Windows Domain, Azure AD Domain).
Account Type:
Choose between All, Administrative, Master, Personal.
Windows Account Type:
Choose between All, User or Group.
Account Import
Account Name
Username or Group Name of the Account User(s).
Account Authority
Authority of the usernames (i.e. Windows Domain or Azure AD Domain).
Account Type
Type of Account between Administrative, Master, Personal.
Assigned Group/Host
For Masters only, a hyperlink for Groups appears listing each group assigned to that Master. For Personal Account users, the Host associated with that user will be listed. Administrative users have access to all Hosts.
Two buttons are available:
Modify Rights
Change Account Type and if Master adjust which groups are available; if Personal adjust which Host will be available to this account.