PROXY Pro Host User Guide

PhSetup Gateway Parameters

The following PHSETUP parameters correspond to the "Gateways tab" settings in PROXY Pro Host.
Set to yes to require that all remote control connections to this Host computer pass through a PROXY Pro Gateway.
Set addgateway when you use this setting.
Set to no (default behavior) to allow peer-to-peer remote control connections that do not pass through a PROXY Pro Gateway.
Set to yes to require that all administration and remote management connections to this Host computer pass through a PROXY Pro Gateway.
Set addgateway when you use this setting.
Set to no (default behavior) to allow peer-to-peer administration and remote management connections that do not pass through a PROXY Pro Gateway.
addgateway:"protocol|port"," station_specifier"
[ , controlmode
[ , securitymodel ] ]
Add a specified Gateway to which PROXY Pro Host can report. You can use the following values:
protocol = TCP, UDP, SSL, WS, or WSS
port (optional) = a valid port number if you do not use the standard port
station_specifier = a protocol-dependent specification for the station:
•    network_address
•    station_name
•    dns_name
controlmode = optional control mode, one of “auto”, “never”, or “always”
securitymodel = optional security model, one of “original”, “sharedsecret”, “windowsauth”, “windowsauthonly”, or “tlscert”
NOTE: Specify the protocol|port pair in quotes when you specify the port, and specify the station_specifier in quotes. Separate the protocol|port and the station_specifier with a comma.
removegateway:"protocol|port"," station_specifier"
Remove a specified Gateway to which PROXY Pro Host is configured to report. You can use the following values:
protocol = TCP,UDP,SSL,WS,or WSS
NOTE: You can also specify the port, as in addgateway: “protocol|port”, “station_specifier” .
station_specifier = a protocol-dependent specification for the station:
•    network_address
•    station_name
•    dns_name
NOTE: Specify the station_specifier in quotes. Separate the protocol and the station specifier with a comma.
Eliminate all PROXY Pro Gateways from the list of PROXY Pro Gateways to which PROXY Pro Host is configured to report.
resetgateway:"protocol|port", " station_specifier 
Reset the security model for the specified Gateway to zero ("original model, or will negotiate with Gateway"). This keyword can be used to script the resetting of the security model to clear the
"0xC004C009" error.
See removegateway for information on value options.
Reset the security model for all Gateways to which PC-Duo Host is configured to report to zero ("original model, or will negotiate with Gateway").