PROXY Pro Host User Guide

PhSetup Command Line Syntax

Set PHSETUP parameters directly from the command line, separating each parameter name and its value with a colon, as in the following:
phsetup param1:value1 param2:value2 ... paramn:valuen
The following is a specific example:
phsetup name:"JOE's PC" connectbeep:yes
Different parameters require different formats, as shown below.
Format Description
An alphanumeric string, in quotes, if spaces or punctuation are required
A numeric value, given in decimal format
A numeric value, given in hexadecimal format
A user name, specified in the format domain\username
A username, specified in the format domain\username, followed by a comma and a hexadecimal numeric value
NOTE: Enclose parameter values that contain spaces in quotation marks. If a value with spaces contains embedded quotation marks, you must additionally enclose the marks in quotes. For example, use “” in place of “within a string, in addition to enclosing the entire string in quotes. See “PHSETUP syntax examples”.