PROXY Pro Host User Guide

Active Users List

The Host will display a list of all remote users (Master, Administrators) actively connected to this Host by choosing the menu option called Show Active Users in the Host context menu.  A resizable modeless dialog window will appear, featuring a list view with following columns:
·     The identity of each Master-based client (“display name” and “authenticated identity”, unless they are the same, in which case only one identity will be listed).
·     A column with an icon indicating that the user has input control or is viewing the screen.
·     A column with an icon indicating that the user has Chat connected.
·     A column(s) with an indication of other services that may be connected (e.g. File Transfer, Remote Printing, Remote Management and Clipboard).
·     A column with network address of the Client.
·     In the case of a Gateway based connection, a column with the Gateway’s name and Gateway identity (tooltip if not displayed).   This is like the information displayed in the toast message.
Note that in this example, there are 2 users (Masters) joined to the connection to this Host through the Gateway.  Also note that the first client has input control, as indicated by the icon, and the second client is view only.  Both clients have access to chat and the shared clipboard for this Host.