PC-Duo Web Console Operations Guide


The PC-Duo Web Console supports a variety of current web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.  For certain browsers, browser extensions may be required to enable features like Master on Demand and Host on Demand.  The Master on Demand and Host on Demand will use Microsoft ClickOnce technology to download and launch if accessed in IE, Edge (with the ClickOnce plugin) or Chrome (with the ClickOnce plugin).  Other browsers will allow for the download the Master and Host on Demand as an .exe if ClickOnce is not detected on the browser.
Below is a table of fields and values for the Browser Compatibility popup window:
Field Name
Type of browser being used to access the Web Console.
Browser Version
Version number of the browser being used to access the Web Console .
Operating System
Operating system of the machine running the browser.
Type of machine running the browser (usually Desktop).
User Agent
Internal information about browser compatibility.
Client Address
This is the IP address the server sees you visiting from.
ClickOnce Deployment
Will indicate as to whether or not ClickOnce is supported in the browser being used.
Clear ClickOnce Cache
Click this link to download our utility that clears the ClickOnce cache.  If cache becomes corrupted, run this tool and try launching a connection (or HOD) again.
Remote Printing Support
Click this link to install the optional Remote Printing component if not already installed on this machine by other PC-Duo components.
ClickOnce Support
Click this link to be taken to the ClickOnce plugin installation page, required for full functionality with Edge and Chrome browsers.
Click this button to dismiss the Browser Compatibility popup window.