Command line options can be used to customize your remote connection configuration. All command line options consist of a one-letter option specification, preceded by a forward slash (‘/’). Follow each command immediately by a command value surrounded by double quotes, with no space between the one-letter command and its value. If you do not have any special characters such as blank spaces in your option values, you do not have to use quotes. Command options are not case-sensitive; for example, /W and /w are the same command. The command options are as follows:
u /H opens a custom remote Host computer connection, but hides the PC-Duo Master console window when you open it. Note that /H does not hide any instances of PC-Duo Master that are already open.
u /M starts a new instance of PC-Duo Master, even if one is already open and running.
u /P specifies the network protocol and nonstandard listening port required by your remote Host computer.
u /S specifies Host information. For a peer-to-peer connection, use this command to specify the Host computer name or network address in the syntax required by the protocol you choose. For remote connections through a PC-Duo Gateway, use the PC-Duo Gateway syntax of this command to specify your Host computer key. See “Connection tab”.
u /G specifies the PC-Duo Gateway to connect to for a remote connection. With this option, you must also use the PC-Duo Gateway syntax for /S to specify a Host computer key associated with a Host computer. The specified PC-Duo Gateway must be configured to manage the specified Host computer.
u /U specifies a user name that your remote Host computer or PC-Duo Gateway requires. You must configure PC-Duo Host on your remote Host computer to accept this user name (and corresponding password).
u /V specifies a DNS name or IP address of a VNC server to connect to for a remote connection.
u /W specifies a title other than the default for the “Master Connection Window”.
u /X provide a password for your remote connection.
u <recordingfile.prxrec> specifies a local screen recording file to be played
u <http://webserver:port/recordingfile.prxrec> specifies a screen recording file located at a webserver to be played over HTTP (or HTTPS).
If you do not specify one or more of these connection options in a command line, PC-Duo Master relies on the connection values in the current PC-Duo Master console window, or the default configuration values if you have not yet configured the product.